Rules and regulations direct the various functions of our water district These rules and regulations are found in many different documents. These documents are discussed and voted on by the Board of Directors at their monthly Board meeting on the third Tuesday of each month. Some that may be of interest to our water users are:
Personnel Policy and Procedures
Ordinance 2019-01 Implementation and Enforcement of a Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control Program (replaces Ordinance 2014-02)
Ordinance 2016-01 Water Curtailment Element as Part of the Management Conservation Plan
Ordinance 2014-02 Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control
Ordinance 2014-01 Ordinance Adopting Boundaries for Five Board of Directors Subdivisions as required by ORS 261.405
Resolution 2024-04 Adopting Customer Assistance Program (replaces Resolution 2014-12)
Resolution 2024-03 Adopting Investment Policy
Resolution 2024-02 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2024-01 Abolish the Equipment Replacement Fund
Resolution 2023-02 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriatons
Resolution 2022-06 Terminate HWD 401(a) Plan 107367
Resolution 2022-05 Annually Adjust System Development Charges
Resolution 2022-04 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2022-03 HWPUD OBDD Financing Contract
Resolution 2022-02 Adopting New Rate and Fees Schedule
Resolution 2022-01 Adopting a New Rate and Fees Schedule
Resolution 2021-05 Annually Adjust System Development Charges
Resolution 2021-04 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2021-03 Authorizing the Safe Drinking Water Loan Fund
Resolution 2021-02 Adopting a New Rate and Fees Schedule
Resolution 2021-01 Amending Resolution 2020-02, Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2020/2021
Resolution 2020-03 Formally Establishing a Capitalization Policy
Resolution 2020-02 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2020-01 Amending Resolution 2017-03, Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2019/2020
Resolution 2019-03 Designation of Special District Register Office and Registered Agent
Resolution 2019-02 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2019-01 Accepting a New Rates and Fees Schedule
Resolution 2018-03 Approving the Release and Quitclaim of a Recorded Easement
Resolution 2018-02 Implementing County and Special District Records Retention Schedule
Resolution 2018-01 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2017-04 Amending Resolution 2017-03
Resolution 2017-03 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2017-02 Recommending Restoring Recreation Immunity Rights
Resolution 2017-01 Amending Resolution 2016-07, Making Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2016/2017
Resolution 2016-08 Authorizing a Loan from the Special Public Works Fund
Resolution 2016-07 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2016-06 Awarding a Contract for the Enchanted Valley Reservoir Replacement
Resolution 2016-05 Extending Workers’ Comp Coverage to Volunteers
Resolution 2016-04 Authorizing a Financing Contract with the Oregon IFA
Resolution 2016-03 Accepting the Loan from IFA for Collard Lake Road Project
Resolution 2016-02 Awarding a Contract for the Emergency Collard Lake Road Project
Resolution 2016-01 Adopting Supplemental Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2015-03 Adopting a new Rate and Fees Schedule
Resolution 2015-02 Adopting Budget and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2015-01 Special Duties of General Manager
Resolution 2014-13 Adopting a Board Duties and Responsibilities Policy
Resolution 2014-12 Adopting a Customer Assistance Program
Resolution 2014-11 Adopting Budget, Imposing Taxes and Making Appropriations
Resolution 2014-10 Accepting Assets and Liabilities from HWD
Resolution 2014-09 Government/Municipal/ Public Funds Banking Resolution
Resolution 2014-08 Establishing an Equipment Replacement Reserve Fund
Resolution 2014-07 Fixing General Manager’s Salary
Resolution 2014-06 Group Self Insurance Resolution
Resolution 2014-05 Extending Workers’ Compensation coverage to Volunteers of HWPUD
Resolution 2014-04 Appointing a General Manager
Resolution 2014-03 Accepting Boundaries for Subdivisions within HWPUD
Resolution 2014-02 Designation of Special District Register Office and Registered Agent
Resolution 2014-01 Adopting Rules
Resolution 2013-01 Appointing Beery, Elsner & Hammond LLP as General Counsel