The Heceta Water People’s Utility District Board of Directors meets at the HWPUD office at 87845 Hwy 101, Florence, Oregon on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 4pm. (Meeting Minutes)
There are five members on the Board of Directors. Positions held is Debby Todd (Subdivision 1), Frank Spencer (Subdivision 2), Wendy Rohner (Subdivision 3), Vito Coviello (Subdivision 4), David Goss (Subdivision 5).
One of the required changes of a PUD is that the District needed to be divided into five subdivisions that are equally divided by population based on the 2020 US Census. The population will be checked every 10 years beginning with the 2030 US Census, and the subdivisions altered to maintain equal population within each subdivision.
All Directors are elected for four year terms. The term of office begins the first Monday in January, following the November election.
To qualify as a candidate for a seat on the HWPUD Board of Directors, a person must be a registered voter in Lane County and reside in the subdivision from which they are nominated and elected. They must have resided in HWPUD continuously for two years immediately preceding the date of election as Director.
Officers for the Board of Directors are President – Wendy Rohner; Vice-President – Debby Todd; and Secretary/Treasurer – Vito Coviello.