Welcome to the Heceta Water People’s Utility District’s website. Please take a few minutes to navigate through the following headers:
What’s Up at HWPUD lists careers available, the latest news and the history on Heceta Water District and Heceta Water People’s Utility District.
Board of Directors introduces you to our five members, provides meeting details, copies of minutes, and rules and regulations.
About Us has pre-fillable forms for applying for water service, setting up autopayment and enrolling in our low-income customer assistance program. Pay your bill online through Xpress Bill Pay, accomplishments and photos of our staff that you may see working in your neighborhood, HWPUD rates and fees, newsletters, and water plans including annual quality report, conservation plan, and master plan.
Contact Us provides hours of operations, contact phone number, fax number and email address. Holiday schedule is also available. Please be sure to contact us if you have questions or need assistance with any of your water needs.
Community Information provides conservation tips, information regarding cross-connection, and other information on community safety.
Our motto is ‘Water – Every Drop Counts.’